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Your Nations Will be Reborn

Choose this day whom you serve, for I, The Lord thy God, have set the captives free, and I am NOT turning back to do another thing. This IS MY move, beloved, and I shall move the ways I see necessary.

Get into alignment with Me, my children, and do not be swept away by the deceptions of

the adversary, but hold onto Me! I have sailed these uncharted waters, and when this is

done your Nations will be reborn!

  • The parasol-this name will be in your news ta; take note of this.

  • Captives— this word will be in your news, and when you hear this, my children rejoice for I am setting the captives free!

  • Robust-this word will be in the news, and it will sink their narrative!

  • Keepers-this word will be in the headlines, and watch and see what I do.

  • Balloon— shall be in the news, something you did not expect to see.

  • Arrest shall be made in secret and in public watch as some slip away out of the limelight, seemingly never to be seen again. My children, they have not escaped public humiliation that easily. It shall ALL be exposed.

  • Crimea (Acreama?) (I think this is the spelling) shall be in the news; something is there.

  • Peoples (possible People mag?)-will be in the news I am taking down every key player in this final reveal of the evil working machine that has been grinding its wheels against you, Saith The Lord of Hosts!

  • Blessings, this name will be in the news, and it will shock you.

  • Iceberg, this word will be in the news, and it will be unusual.

These are the days of the unusual my children GET USED TO IT. Nothing is as it

seems, and I shall rip the covers right off the entire operations that they thought they had

so cleverly hidden. Hidden in plain sight to entrap, ensnare, and enslave you, my

children! But I have the final say, and I ALWAYS WIN! Saith The Lord, your REDEEMER!

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