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Their Coordinates Revealed

I saw many visions:

I see a lake,

My children were swimming in a lake when suddenly the vision shifted and I went to

grab my children out of the lake and many children came out of the lake and grabbed

hold of my arm and my arms were stretched so far that it was not humanly possible and

many children grabbed onto my arms and I pulled them out and onto the dry land. When

I looked they were all boys and then the lake broke and you can see that the lake wasn’t

a real like it was a man-made lake and no one knew that and it revealed things that

were under ground.

The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty was being attacked by lighting, lighting was surging on it looking

for all the weak spots and causing it to buckle. My family and I were standing on the

island observing it when the head fell off to the ground! Lighting was going through the

inside of the Statue, melting some of it but eventually exploding it.

Prophetic words:

Dress rehearsal is over my children, its stage time, go time. Everyone is in position and

we are live!

Watch and see what’s next for Me Saith God for I’m about to expose the deepest

secrets! The housing and the secret coordinates are about to be revealed Saith The

Lord of Hosts.

Ready yourself my troops we’ve entered enemy territory-do not get so comfortable you

fall back asleep. I say wake up my children, stop complaining and ready thyself.

Helmets on its game time!

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