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The Battle has ensued and your enemies shall lose!

For I, the Lord God, this day Have served notice to the enemies of almighty God, and the

showdown has begun! The terrorists are on the move and ready for their next strike, but

what they shall want as a BOOM shall turn into only a fizzle, and they will not touch what

they want in the way they want, saith The Lord of Hosts!

Prepare yourselves, children of Almighty God, for what you have entered into will seem

like a vortex, and things will spin this way and that way, but I say keep your eyes fixed on

Me saith the Lord and not the spinning! Steady yourselves with Me.

Unplug yourselves! Unplug yourselves from social media! Unplug yourselves from

platforms of disgrace and idle worship at the hands of millions! Turn your eyes away

from sickening acts and do not gaze upon what they are doing lest you fall trapped, into

their lies! The frequencies of the enemy have been released into the airwaves to keep

you dazed and in unbelief! I’ll say it again, Unplug yourselves at this time to help save

yourselves a lot of trouble.

  • Reactions— this word shall be in the news, and watch and find out just who is reacting to what.

  • Unfulfilled— shall be in the news, and the paper of evidence that comes with this shall be shocking!

  • Retroactive— will be in the news, and my children know that this is a lie.

  • Patience— will be in the news.

My children, I am setting you free! I am setting your families free! I am not Leary of the

darkness I can indeed see through the darkness and create something so new! Didn’t I do

exactly that in Genesis 1:2, darkness was on the face of the deep, and yet did that stop

me? I said let there be light, and there was light! I speak that again Let There Be Light—

in you, my children! You are my lamp stands! Shine and burn bright for me! My spirit

does rest upon you! Those of you who seek Me shall not live in confusion but shall have

clarity! Saith, The Lord of Hosts!

Ready thy selves saith The Lord for the battle has ensued and there is No turning back!

Saith, The Lord of Hosts!

“The earth was without form and an empty waste, and darkness was upon the face of

the very great deep. The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of

the waters. And God said, Let there be light; and there was light.”

Genesis 1:2-3 AMPC

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