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Pursue, press on, and engage

For I The Lord this day have said pursue the camps of the enemy not taking no for an


Pursue in the spirit realm saith The Lord, press on in your prayers, prophetic decrees

and keep the enemy on the run, engage in spiritual warfare, slashing down your spiritual

foe with My Word and My Blood! Ground has been gained, and territory has been lost

by the enemy and regained by Our Kingdom, by MY Ekklesia saith The Lord strong and


You might feel weary as you walk the long distance with the far off gaze of snow at your

feet just like the revolutionary warriors did in combat!

But you are better equipped than they, saith The Lord! Take off the weathered boots and

refresh yourself in my Spirit and take a new set of boots, the of peace, to go with you on

your long journey. There’s no need to stumble now at the end! Steady thyself saith The

Lord of Hosts! Replace that tired helmet of salvation with a new (refreshed) one saith

the Lord and a new breast place of righteousness you’ll receive as well from Me! A

sturdy belt of truth and do not leave without sharpening your sword by getting into my

Word and encouraging others to stay the course! The battle is almost won.

And I always win.

Put on the FULL ARMOR OF GOD and do not enter combat without it.

You are at the doorway, enter in my beloved and cross over the old bloodlines leaving

what was in the past and taking on your new blood line that is with Me saith The Lord,

for I have given you NEW!

When I poured out my blood for you I bought you new! So stop agreeing with the

demonic reports about you! Stop receiving evil reports and assignments for you! You

DO NOT have to have cancer, you do not have to have infirmity or sickness of any kind

saith The Lord! Align yourself with Me in my Word. Decree over your body and make

EVERY thought, prognosis, every generational curse, soul ties, traumas, past

relationships that still haunt you, mean and hateful words spoken to you or over you,


Tell it No, I will not accept this report, news, or words- and tell it to leave in my name

and cover yourself in my blood!

I will protect you.

I will free you.

Saith The Lord Your Great Redeemer!

“[Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and

lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every

thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the

Anointed One), Being in readiness to punish every [insubordinate for his] disobedience,

when your own submission and obedience [as a church] are fully secured and

complete.” 2 Corinthians 10:5-6 AMPC

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