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My Might Has Not Waned!

“My might has not waned says The Lord of Hosts. My Might has not waxed or waned

but it is Mighty and powerful ever pressing towards the Mark for YOU my children!

Forget not your youth in Me and how I took you from point A to point B even when you

didn’t know the way saith God. This too shall be like point A to point B for I am leading

you out of gross darkness and into a land of light and plentiful saith The Lord your


The definition of wane: (especially of a condition or feeling) decrease in vigor, power, or

extent; become weaker.


I say this name again shall be in your news watch for them. The domino has already

toppled and they are next saith The Lord of Hosts!


this name shall be in your news, legal battles will pop up everywhere but that will not

silence mine says The Lord! Secrets will pour forth from every isle they won’t know

which direction to go to first to try and silence the lips that have been set free saith The

Lord your Redeemer!

Firebrand this name shall be in your news what you once thought was famous is

actually nothing more than a joke.

Evangelist this name shall be in the news

Peoples corner will be in the news

Kid Rock will be in the news again.

Pepsi will be in the news-

truth bombs will rock your nation saith The Lord of Truth!

Albert Einstein will be in the news.

Vanessa Hudgens will be in the news.

Caprice Summers (Cree Summers?) will suddenly pass away.

Heavygate I am coming for you! Open wide you gate and expose all the evil deeds of


Again I say credit cards and dirty deeds will be exposed!

Reprobate this word will be used in the news

Steady thine self my children, I’ve said before and I’ll say it again we are going into

turbulent territories and you WILL need to hang on for I AM piloting this plane and I will

get us through this storm and those whom stay tucked away in Me shall remain safe

inside the cockpit while others dangle from the wings. Hold tight my children it’s going to

be a bumpy ride saith The Lord of Hosts!

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